Mozart Requiem 1

General terms & conditions


Registering for (and starting with) weekly lessons can take place all year round. Once the completed registration form has been received, the Office Manager will contact you within 3 working days,
except for during holiday periods.  


Each student benefits from being in a group with others that sing at the same level, or as near to their level as possible. This could mean that some students have to change over to another group or to another teacher at some stage during the school year, which could mean that the time of their lessons will also change. The Academy of Vocal Arts retains the right to cancel any lesson/course for which there is insufficient interest.


If a student is unable to attend a lesson they should let us know via the protected part of our website, even if this is done right at the last moment or even after the lesson.


Should a teacher be unable to attend a class, the Academy of Vocal Arts will first of all try to arrange a suitable replacement. Should it be that the guaranteed number of 32 lessons a year is not given within a season because of unavoidable cancelled lessons, then these lessons will be given instead at the end of the season. If a lesson has to be cancelled more than 8 hours before the start of the lesson, you will be informed via email and the website. If the lesson has to be cancelled less than 8 hours before the start of the lesson,
then you will be informed by phone. 


Once you are registered, you will receive an invoice for the cost of the lessons. Each student pays a one-off
registration fee of €60,-. Lessons will be invoiced for each calendar year. The year is split into 10 working months: January – June (6/10) and September – December (4/10). Fees should be paid in advance. Should fees not be paid in time, a €20,- administration fee will be charged. Any costs involved in recovering fees, including legal costs, will be passed on to the debtor. Should immediate payment not be made once a reminder has been sent, the right to have lessons is void. In cases where there are insurmountable circumstances making it difficult to be able to pay the fees in one amount, an arrangement for spread payments is possible, at the management’s discretion. For more information you should contact our financial administration.


You are eligible for family discount if more than one student living at the same address and with the same payment details (name, address and account number) is registered with us for lessons. When one of the family members stops having lessons with us, the family discount discontinues and any restitution will be calculated and back-dated pro rata. 


Once the season has started, should you want to stop having lessons, notice of this has to be given in writing to our administration department. Should you stop having lessons mid-season, only fees for the lessons in the September – December period (4/10) will be reimbursed. To be eligible for reimbursement, we need to have received your written notice before 1st June of the respective calendar year. 

The Academy of Vocal Arts is fully focused on providing the right spot for every child within the possiblities of the education of the ACVA. Hereby the ACVA creates a safe environment where the children can develop at their own pace. The ACVA reserves the right to deny access to the classes to children whose behaviour actively endangers this safe environment for other students. Together with the parents/guardians the ACVA will search for a fitting solution and if this cannot be found within the ACVA, the membership will be terminated effective immediately. The decision of the Management of the ACVA is leading. 


Data of and about students will not be shared or published to third parties without direct consent, unless there is a legal obligation to it. The ACVA has as a starting point that only the name, first telefphone number and ZIP code can be seen by fellow choir members at the secured part of the website after logging in, for carpooling reasons. By subscribing as a student you grant permission to share these limited details via the secured part of the website after logging in to members of the same group you are in. Also parent(s)/guardian(s) grant permission to share strictly necessary details to third parties for the benefit of concerts, projects and trips. The ACVA takes care of the secure storage of the given personal data and parent(s)/guardian(s) can get an explanation about this when asked. Details can be changed at the request of parent(s)/guardian(s) and will not be stored longer than necessary. 

Only e-mail address and the full name will be stored indefinitely with the purpose of invitations to alumni events (such as reunions and jubilees), unless upon cancellation of the classes the written request is made to also delete these data.


It is not allowed for the parent(s)/guardian(s) to make recordings of any kind during concerts and all other choir activities. In many cases the ACVA makes recordings. Footage selected by the ACVA will be placed in the secure part of the website after logging in and on the social media of the ACVA. During 'kijklessen' (watching lessons) a special moment will be created to take a picture.

It is not allowed for the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) to share, use or publicise recordings and photographs of the ACVA via internet or another way, during and after the membership.

The parent(s)/guardian(s) grant permission to the ACVA to use recordings and photographs with the picture of the student for PR material (flyers, posters, program booklets, website, social media etc.) during and after the membership of the student. 


Rates vary depending on the class / group or course and can be revised annually commencing on 1st January.
Should there be a change in rate, the Academy of Vocal Arts will inform you in a timely manner.


For general information you can contact the Academy of Vocal Arts’ administration department at any time. Details can be found on


Despite the fact that the Academy of Vocal Arts does its very best to ensure that all of its students receive the very best service, it could be that you are unhappy about a lesson, teacher or our facilities.
In such a case you can send in a written complaint to the Academy of Vocal Arts. Send your letter or email to: The Management, Academy of Vocal Arts, Haringstraat 60, 2586 XZ, The Hague.

The Academy of Vocal Arts cannot be held responsible for damage to or the loss of personal property belonging to students or course members.