Beginner's Class 3

a lot of development

Especially for the older preschoolers. Through musical experiences the children get acquainted with structures and shapes as continuation of what they learned before and as preparation for Choir Class A. Exciting new discoveries!

Because there are several Beginner's Classes, it is at the discretion of the teacher to place the children in groups.


Tuesday 15.30-16.10h OR
Wednesday 13.30-14.10h

Age: 5 or 6 years old

Tuition: €619,- a year (fee 2025)

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What do we do in the lessons?

Next to songs and games we also start learning music notes. Playfully the preschoolers learn about do, re and mi, about rhythms with apples and pears and about their own voice. 

The teacher of Beginner's Class 3 is Janneke Klompenhouwer.